sábado, 3 de janeiro de 2009

Body Balance 44 - SIZZLER

BODYBALANCE 44 is both physically challenging and mentally engrossing, providing you with a truly internal experience that has plenty of options.
Linger in the strong, beautiful movements of track 1 with the sword dance-inspired choreography. Conjure One's stunning song Make A Wish allows you to leave your day behind and really centre yourself.
Sting's Desert Rose provides the inspiration needed to master the new move in track 2 - the striking cobra.
There's a big workout and big emotion in track 3 to a big song - India Arie's The Heart Of The Matter. Your inner strength empowers your legs as you move through three sequences and learn three new poses.
Amy Winehouse's Valerie provides the time needed to chill out and catch your breath before you get to up the ante in track 6 with a short sting of core abdominals.
Moby's Disco Lies offers different musical inspiration to what you'd expect in a BODYBALANCE class.
The hip remix of Nina Simone's The Look Of Love in track 7 will have you singing along, before moving into track 8 which starts quietly with a new pose - the bent knee twist. This is very relaxed so you can breathe and warm your spine with a gentle twist.
You'll love the long-held half forward fold in track 9 and the expression of opening to the side bend - soft then strong.
There's plenty of time to progressively deepen into each pose before you relax to Kate Voegele's Lift Me Up.

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